Anyway, the first big event this month was the wedding that Bobby officiated. He actually did not get to wear his robe for this. He had planned on it, even purchased a white stole for it, but due to the "informality" of the wedding, he decided just to wear a suit & tie. The bride and groom were indifferent, so he chose the safe ground. The ceremony was the shortest I've ever witnessed, but it was exactly what they wanted and it was beautiful. Short and sweet. Here is the Reverend with the bride and groom.
This past weekend was the one of our most busy in a long time. We now know that Easter is definately busier for the ministerial staff than Christmas. (For anyone that doesn't know, I am the secretary/administrator and Bobby is the Asst Pastor of Youth & Families at our church.) I normally print 200 bulletins each week, at 4 pages a piece, which is 400 pieces of paper that I type, print, copy, fold, and staple. THIS WEEK we had 4 services and expected (hoped for) more people than usual, so I had 1250 pages to do! Plus multiple inserts. Needless to say I didn't get them all done before I "left work" Thursday afternoon, so Bobby and I were stuffing and stapling on our couch Friday night. haha.
Getting back on track...
Thursday night we had a Maundy Thursday service which Bobby helped with. And he got to wear his robe... yay. Our pastor has been focusing on the humiliation of Christ during this Lenten season, starting with his being a born of a woman, leading up to him washing the feet of the disciples on the night before his crucifixion, and then of course, his death of a man on the cross.
Friday afternoon we had a Good Friday service which Bobby was in charge of planning, including the sermon. Bobby focused on Jesus' words, "It is finished" and what that really meant. It didn't just simply mean, his life was over, or his misery on the cross. It really meant that IT IS FINISHED. He died for all of our sins. He did all the work. And there is nothing that any of us can do to make it more significant, or make him love us more. It really is finished. Of course, Bobby explained it much more eloquently than I am here, but I hope you get the point. Jesus' sacrifice was the once for all. Amen.
Following the Good Friday service, we had youth group for a few hours. And we did something that Bobby and the kids have been talking about doing for MONTHS.... deep-frying! First we had a "fish fry" - which included fish sticks baked in the oven and fish fillets dropped into the deep fryer. And that was followed up with deep-frying anything we could find... Oreos, Snickers bars, Twix, jelly beans, hot dogs, Zingers, donuts, corndogs, etc. We really were sick afterward. haha. The quote that summed up the event was when a girl who was in town visiting her grandparents was dropped off to join us, she said she thought we were sitting in a circle praying, and then she realized that we were sitting around a pot of boiling grease! ha! We had just come out of church, it was time for some fun. :) Then we had an easter egg hunt. It really surprises us that this really is a hit with the 12 - 18 year olds, I love it. We are so upset that we forgot to bring our camera with us on Friday.
Saturday morning we got up WAY before sunrise because Bobby was leading a devotion at the Methodist church in town. One of those things that you really don't want to go to (b/c of the early hour) but you do, and you're soooo glad that you did. We ate a pancake breakfast, then Bobby and 2 boys from our church/praise band led us in singing/playing 3 songs. It was awesome. We love that those boys are using their amazing talent to worship the Lord.
The Sunday morning came. HE IS RISEN! And so did Bobby - at 6 am again. I did not. I skipped out on the sunrise service, so he had to come back home and get me before Sunday school and the main worship service. Whatta guy. The main worship service was beautiful. And Bobby looked lovely in his robe and brand spanking new stole. But please notice, that under that robe, he is wearing an orange tie that perfectly matched my outfit. :)
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Just found your blog, hope you don't mind if I follow you.
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