I've been reading for years about the possible benefits of a gluten-free diet, but we switched to a whole wheat diet 6 years ago and it's been treating us really well. why would I want to change that? besides, I get to eat everything I like (bread, pancakes, waffles, muffins, chips, pretzels, etc), I just trade it in for the whole wheat version. but gluten-free is a whole new ballgame. now I have to eat the rice version of everything, and it is NOT just as good.
today is just day 4, so I can't report any great effects yet. in fact, I really don't expect any significant effects (other than withdrawal) because I'm not switching due to a wheat/gluten allergy. it's not like I've been getting sick eating wheat, so now that I'm not eating wheat, I won't be sick. it's just that I have this pesky disease named endometriosis, and I've read that gluten may be contributing to it. I am also cutting out fatty meat treated with hormones. [fortunately I don't have to give up red meat all together because a friend of ours is giving us some venison, and as far as I know that deer probably wasn't given any hormones, and most deer (especially here in oklahoma) aren't fat. so yay!] caffeine intake really isn't a huge concern for me, but I'm going to cut back my 1 cup of coffee a day down to one or two a week. (baby steps, I know) of course, sugar has always been an issue, so I'm going to work harder on cutting that out. I don't eat many processed or fried foods, so that's not really an issue, but if the opportunity arises, I will just say no.
Dairy is another main concern. all the experts say to cut it out. but I don't want to. I love my milk & cheese! we buy our milk at braum's and they claim no hormones are used, so that can't be that bad, right? Of course though, I just read this sentence on an endo website: "dairy products stimulate the production of PGE2 and PGF2a, which can worsen symptoms. The primary dairy foods that you should avoid with endometriosis include milk and cheeses." dangit!
my overall expectation of these dietary changes is: that they are going to suck. but fortunately my husband has been very supportive. primarily because this means we are going to (have to) eat much more asian food (and he LOVES asian food.) we went to a gigantic asian market and the health foods store in oklahoma city saturday and stocked up on everything rice-related... rice noodles, rice flour, rice "spaghetti," and... rice.
here is what I will be trying to survive on for the next who-knows-how-many-weeks/months/years.
I like this. I like this a lot. Good luck -- you can do it!
You can do it Jen!!!
Wow, those are huge changes! So it sounds like Bobby is also dedicated to 100% gluten-free as well? I was going to suggest Trader Joes for some GF items, but didn't see any Oklahoma locations on their website. There's always online shopping I suppose, if you're having any trouble finding a variety of things. I didn't know that gluten and dairy had any links to endometriosis. Good for you for taking charge of your health and trying to make positive changes, even if they are really difficult.
wow! praying that it will be worth all the effort it takes!
I am really impressed with your determination! May it go better and easier than you anticipate!
Just came across your blog via Kelly's Korner's prayer blog. I have Celiac disease that was undiagnosed for many years and am gluten free; I also struggled with infertility.
I lost 8 babies through miscarriage both early and late and was finally able to carry two babies to term. (8th and 10th pregnancy)
I discovered I had Celiac after my son was diagnosed along with my daughter. Interestingly when I conceived my children, I was eating pretty close to gluten free.
A lot of my uterine difficulties went away after being gluten free. (We've been gluten free nearly 11 years now; my husband also eats gluten free although he is not Celiac)
It is a very healthy diet so don't get discouraged. It becomes a way of life very quickly. Word of caution: read every label and don't take for granted that an item may be gluten free if you can't find the obvious wheat listed.
Keep the sweets down (so many of them are gluten free!) and try to eat brown rice based items rather than white as they provide more nutrients. Make sure you take adequate supplements as gluten free food is not fortified like wheat based products are.
I notice you have THAI product (red box) some of their products are NOT gluten free so again please read and research.
A great resource is the Celiaclistserv that provides a daily email service (or weekly) google it to join. There are lots of people on there who are Celiac, gluten intolerant or who have gone gluten free for medical reasons. Also check out the American Celiac Association for links and tips.
There are literally hundreds of gluten free blogs out there now with loads of recipe ideas! One of my new favs is Gluten free Girl and the chef (cookbook and blog).
Good luck to you and your husband as you start your new way of eating! You will be in my thoughts and prayers!
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