Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Vegetables, turtles, guests, and... OK!

We are back home - our summer travels are sadly over. Our time in Oklahoma was very nice... we saw lots of Bobby's (and mine now) friends and family, visited his former workplaces, played a ton of pool, walked around Bricktown (downtown OKC), did a little shopping, and played with Mindy's (my sister in law) new pet rabbit. She was so cute!

Here we are in Bricktown last Saturday - Bobby's grandma, Mindy, Bobby, and me.

Bobby playing with Faith (it made us miss Mopsy).

We got home on Monday just a couple hours before we had our first visitors - Currie & Abby! We were so excited that they scheduled us into their summer travel plans. Unfortunately they were only here for about 16 hours because they had to continue on with their travels, but they're coming back in a few days. Hopefully I'll remember to take a couple pictures then.

I didn't have a chance to show any pictures when we were home last weekend of the garden, but it totally exploded while we were gone. So far we have been able to pick a bunch of jalapeno peppers, 4 zucchinis, and a cucumber. The onions and lettuce are about ready too, I think.

And our final news is that we got another turtle yesterday. We have been wanting to get a friend for Brooks for awhile now and we finally did it. We got the cutest little female yellow-bellied slider (same as Brooks) at PetCo. She doesn't have a name yet, but don't worry, it's not going to be Brook. She is so friendly and brave - we had them playing out in the yard yesterday and today, she runs everywhere - basically runs circles around Brooks. When we put them in the tank together, he was trying to flirt with her but she didn't seem too interested and it turned a little violent, so we took him out to "punish" him for a couple days. Hopefully we won't have to end up naming her Stumpy.

Here is Brooks on the left and "newbie" on the right.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Still away from home

This time we are in Oklahoma visiting Bobby's family and friends. Don't fret, we'll be back home in a few days and there will be lots of pictures posted from these past few weeks. What a fun month this has been!

Friday, July 06, 2007


We are currently vacationing in Bethany Beach, Delaware. For daily details of where we've been and what we're doing, Bobby has been hogging the computer and posting pictures on his blog. Well, my family is waiting for me to head down to the beach to "set up" our stuff and claim our plot for the day. (my parents drove over to join us for a couple days) UVA rays here I come!